You are my sunshine...... ;-)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Eat eat Drink drink Talk talk...

Pagi betul aku bangun hari ni.... tapi kawan kawan punya pasal no hal lah.. lagipun balik KB asyik makan tido makan tido.. bina badan la pulak. Buat penat je aku duk sibuk berbasikal ngan berfutsal kat KL.. hajat di hati nak slim down and tone up.. tut tut balik KB hancussssssssssss.. kih kih kih. Cobaan..

Anyway berbalik kpd citer asal.. pagi tadi first time in my life, jumpa kawan kawan for breakfast. Usually for any meet up will be tea or dinner. Ya lah aku  ni kan kaum burung hantu.. Emmm... so jumpa la kawan kawan di Kopitiam Kita. Aku ni jarang keluar merayap kalau balik KB, usually lepak rumah je. sebab tu kalau sape sape tanya pasal jalan ke atau tempat makan ke.... memang aku tak tahu.. FAIL! Nak kata aku ni kelantan murtad.. kata le.. just that dari kecik memang family i bukan jenis makan luar and kalau masa sekolah dulu pun keluar pegi sekolah  pastu stayback sampai petang. kalau merayap pun ke rumah my pet sis or my gang and to PCB (Pantai Cinta Berahi). tu je la...

Breakfast tadi bukan la ngan gang sekolah dulu.. Only G je yg ada.. the rest tak balik KB tis raya. So mostly tadi is my junior. In total ada 7 org including me..There was ME, G, Cha, Lily Sueriana, Hidayati, Yurnalis and Erny. I think the last kita jumpa was back in school. Wow tat was like 20 years ago. Orang orangnya memang la banyak berubah physically but havoc tetap havoc.. riuh rendah meja we all. but who cares... ha ha ha. One things for sure for us Zainabians... Appearance may change but perangai masing masing sama je.. cam still kat ZS ( Zainab School) lagi. Tapi budak budak ZS memang best giller pun.. betul tak kawan kawan.. ;-) All in all.. I had a GREAT time.. and i'm sure WE ALL DID!!  Quality time spent with Quality People! Love ya all.. Mmmmmmmuuuuaaaahhhhh XO.


  1. hey lily.......i thought that u write well...
    n if i can share tips about blogging... remember this....

    blogwalking- tinggal kan ur jejak at others blog. as much as u can.... and by this u also need a shoutbox.

    traffic - so important

    nuffnang- register nuffnang to earn money.. thats the best part of it...

    content- choose ur content well...if u wanna talk about urself.. fine..and if u are out of ideas, remember that people will search at google a certain keyword.. ie: fasha sanda hallowen, lee chong wei lost etc.

    last.. check out this blog which i consider the best.. they all well known bloggers..

    alot of succesfull blogger dont need a shoutbox bcoz of spammers... anyway they have thousand over followers so its not neccesarry.

    emmm...u cant teach a person a lot in one day... digest dulu k...... try to blogwalk....

    u can ask me anything.. LOL

  2. Wow.. Thx for the tips.. I'm digesting it now. And will start doin the blogwalk. ;-)
